Description: A.Vogel® Deep Sleep: proven to increase the deep sleep phase by up to 25%. Helps to reduce the period of falling asleep, ideal against insomnia. Use to promote sleep. Improves sleep quality. Contributes to a longer deep sleep. Helps to reduce the period of falling asleep.
Ingredients: Tincture of fresh Valerian (Valeriana officinalis L.) root from organic cultivation (m/m ratio 1:10) 460 mg, equivalent to 46 mg of dried root. Tincture of fresh hop strobili (Humulus lupulus L.) from organic cultivation* (m/m ratio 1:12), equivalent to 38.3 mg of dried strobili. 1 mL of tincture contains 0.62 mL of alcohol (ethanol).
Instructions for use: Dosage: Adults: Take 2 ml at bedtime in a little water. Insalivate before swallowing. 1ml = 33 drops.