Super organic lavender essential oil (lavandula burnati super) 15ml / Organic Super Lavender essential oil 15ml
Description: Anti-inflammatory, antispasmodic, antimicrobial, healing and vulnerary, analgesic, calming and relaxing, relaxing. Relieves muscle contractures, cramps, migraine, insomnia, anxiety and stress. This oil promotes the healing of wounds, burns and dermatosis.
Use: For (local) application on a very small body surface, apply 1 to 2 pure drops to a bite, scratch, burn, or acne pimples. For cutaneous application, dilute 1 ml of tea tree essential oil in 25 ml of vegetable oil or lotion to obtain a final dilution of 4%, apply this dilution to the affected area 2 to 3 times a day. In the bath, dilute 15 drops of essential oil in 15 ml of bubble bath (about 1 capful) for a relaxing, calming and soothing bath. In aerial diffusion, the atmospheric diffusion of lavender essential oil soothes the mind and gently calms restless little ones before bedtime.