Organic white spruce essential oil (picea glauca) 15ml

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Organic white spruce essential oil (picea glauca) 15ml / Organic White spruce essential oil 15ml
Description: antiseptic, anti-infective, mucolytic, expectorant, antispasmodic, immunostimulant. This essential oil can be used to get rid of the flu and bronchitis, to calm allergy symptoms, to relieve the sciatic nerve, to relieve muscle spasms, and to calm muscle and joint pain. Use: For the skin, pour 10 to 15 drops in a teaspoon of vegetable oil of your choice then rub on the affected area. In the bath, pour 10 to 12 drops into the bubble bath to obtain a muscular and respiratory toning bath. Diffused in the air, white spruce essential oil is an excellent air and respiratory antiseptic.

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